Elisha P. Ferry


Who: Elisha P. Ferry

What: Was the first Governor of the U.S. State of Washington

When: (August 9, 1825 – October 14, 1895)

Where: Washington State

Why: He started as a lawyer but then decided he enjoyed politics more.

~Amelia and Emily B

Isaac Stevens – WA Territory’s First Governor – by Amira and Jessie


Isaac Ingalls Steven was the first Governor of the Washington Territory. Born March 25, 1818- September 1, 1862. He had an education at Phillips Academy at Massachusetts, then later made an appointment  to west point, where he Graduated in 1839, first in his class.

political career begins:

in  1853 he successfully applied  to president Pierce for the governorship of the new Washington territory. Wasting no time, Governor Stevens quickly organized a territorial government settled claims by the British- owned Hudson bay company, extended $5,000 for books to set up a territorial  library, and petitioned Congress for land on which to build a university.

Hell Gate Treaty Council:

Proceeding further east, into what is now Montana, Stevens met with the Flathead Salish, Pend D’ Oreille, and Kootenai Tribes. Isaac Promised that he would procure easement rights from the Blackfeet to allow the tribes to hunt east and to the rocky mountains.

War Breaks Out:

12 Days after the walla walla treaty was signed, the Oregon weekly times published an announcement that said: “By an express provision of the treaty, the country embraced by the cession and not included in the reservation is open to settlement…” This announcement was sent out to streams  of settlers and gold seekers to lands east of the cascades, igniting outrage among the tribes and eventually driving the Yakamas to war against any intruders.